Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg Babí u, 541 01 Trutnov

Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg

2445 Recenze
  • Monday10 AM–5 PM
  • Tuesday10 AM–5 PM
  • Wednesday10 AM–5 PM
  • Thursday10 AM–5 PM
  • Friday10 AM–5 PM
  • Saturday10 AM–5 PM
  • Sunday10 AM–5 PM

Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg Babí u, 541 01 Trutnov

O podniku

Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg | Náš areál je unikátní komplex. Obrovská pevnost a další vojenské objekty. Je tu i jeden z největších bunkrů v Čechách s historickou expozicí. V hloubce pak rozsáhlé podzemí. To vše tvořilo součást obranného valu, chránícího naši republiku před hrozícím útokem hitlerovského Německa.


Webové stránky
Zavolejte nám
Babí u, 541 01 Trutnov


  • Monday10 AM–5 PM
  • Tuesday10 AM–5 PM
  • Wednesday10 AM–5 PM
  • Thursday10 AM–5 PM
  • Friday10 AM–5 PM
  • Saturday10 AM–5 PM
  • Sunday10 AM–5 PM


  • Bezbariérové parkování
  • Bezbariérový vstup
  • Toalety s bezbariérovým přístupem
  • Toaleta
  • Vhodné pro děti
  • Restaurace
  • Vhodné pro rodiny

Doporučené recenze

Petr Petzet
Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg
One of the best military structures in Czech Republic. This huge bunker has a vast array of underground tunnels, that connect nearby fortifications. Unfortunately this amazing project which has started before WW2 was never finished, because of the German occupation before the war.We were really lucky and have got a guide only for us two. The descent to the underground is a bit scary as the stairway goes deep into the ground. Down there it is pretty cold (6°C) get an appropriate clothing. Admission is only around $8. It took us I'd guess 40 minutes to explore everything that this site has to offer.Bunker is in a walking distance from a free parking (5mins) there is a simple food truck right next to it and you can get some souvenirs inside.
Viktor Kuska
Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg
A very interesting place to visit, even if you are not really interested in history, looks big on the outside, well it's even bigger on the inside, going 50 meters deep with a lot of stairs, it's worth getting the exercise to go down into what could have been one of the largest bunker complex in the world. I was also very impressed by the in depth tour which lasted for around and hour!
Martin Doskocil
Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg
Dobre misto na navstevu. Peace of history worth to visit...
Kelly Pepels-Stewart
Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg
Nice place to explore some history, with a little cafe and places for walking from there. It was a bit too busy for my liking now with covid, and keeping distance from others was not easy. So we didn't do the tour. Due to the layout in some places and ignorance of some in other places. It was rather windy as you're quite exposed there so keep that in mind when you're visiting. Otherwise a recommendation for a short visit!
Martin Straka
Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg
If you are in the area and you have at least a little interest in Czech modern history, this is a must see. This huge fortress is a memento and impressive reminder of the darkest days in our history. Built to resist attack of Hitler's armies, it had never seen any action. But Not because of soldiers and those who were building the fortress system... This is memorial to their determination to do whatever is needes to protect their country. During the visit, you will go 50 meters under the surface (it's quite cold there, even in hot summer so be prepared) and will understand how huge the system was.
Ian Wiebkin
Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg
A great place to visit. There's no car parking inside, so use the car parks opposite ghe entrance. There's a large fort complex to walk round, small children's play area, viewing tower and main bunker. There are two tours. One if the bunker and the second around the fort complex. This place is NOT suitable fir thd disabled or infirm. The main (and only) entrance to thd bunker is a crawl through a 1.20m square hatch in the wall. The bunker tour starts by walking down 50 metres using stairs. But if you can make it the tour is great! There's also a little snack bar selling basic but tasty food. Recommend!
Eduard Shklovskiy
Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg
Never been in this kind of places before. Was interesting
Shiva Kkumar
Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg
Expensive entry, but good inside.
Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg
Unfortunately, almost nothing to see here. All underground facilities are empty. Very wet. No furniture, no equipment, no access to guard bunkers with machine guns.Underground tour was in Czech only, but staff provided a printed description in English.If you are interested in much more advanced similar place, visit Fort De Schoenenbourg in France.

Přidat recenzi


Babí u, 541 01 Trutnov
Dělostřelecká tvrz Stachelberg