Instituto Cervantes Praha Na Rybníčku 536, 120 00 Nové Město

Instituto Cervantes Praha

60 Recenze

Instituto Cervantes Praha Na Rybníčku 536, 120 00 Nové Město

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Na Rybníčku 536, 120 00 Nové Město



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Doporučené recenze

Mik Mikus
Instituto Cervantes Praha
I've already tried couple of language schools, but this one is definitely on the top.Teachers are great and big library with all sorts of mediums is also big plus.
Vojtěch Kotek
Instituto Cervantes Praha
Some of the best spanish tutors in Prague, a nice library with a terrace, and there program is always interesting!
Amanda G
Instituto Cervantes Praha
The receptionist guy was nice and explained me how offices were organized inside. On the second floor you can have detailed info about the language courses and on the 3rd floor Barbora will welcome you and explain how the library works.
Adam Horváth
Instituto Cervantes Praha
Výučba podľa všetkého záleží od učiteľa, ale všeobecne okrem jedného konkrétneho učiteľa (ktorého meno som zabudol, lebo ma neučil) tak sú ostatní učitelia dobrí.Absolvoval som A1.1+A1.2 a aktuálne pokračujem A2.1-A2.2. Oba kurzy ma učila Ximena a je presne podľa môjho gusta. Každá hodina s ňou bola skvelá.Jediná výtka je, že aktuálne máme jednu hodinu v miestnosti so stoličkami s malým stolíkom na ktorý sa ledva zmestí zavretá kniha, takže otvorený zošit+otvorená kniha sú takmer nemožné. Frustrujúce, ale dá sa s tým žiť a snažia sa nám vyjsť v ústrety.
Arturo Ortega Crespo
Instituto Cervantes Praha
Como siempre, un trato tremendamente amable. He realizado varios cursos allí y desde la recepción hasta la dirección totalmente volcada en el aprendizaje y enseñanza del español.
Instituto Cervantes Praha
Instituto Cervantes is a welcoming place with staff willing to help out with anything. I'm currently enrolled in their beginner Spanish lessons and it's been very fun so far with the teacher being lovely and patient.There's also a library on the top floor from where you can borrow Spanish books and books to learn the language. Haven't borrowed anything from them so far, but if I find anything good I sure would.Overall a great place.
Gabriel Matula
Instituto Cervantes Praha
Great place to learn Czech for Spanish speakers.
Instituto Cervantes Praha
Very modern Spanish language school. There are many different courses, from absolute beginner to C levels. There are also special classes for children. The courses can be individual or in groups, can be in the morning, afternoon or evening and all of the teachers I've met were very friendly. Spanish people who would like to learn Czech are also welcome. Besides courses, there are also come cultural events happening, such as movies, workshops, exhibitions, theatrea etc.
Hedvika Pajerová
Instituto Cervantes Praha
Příjemná kavárna s omezeným sortimentem a zábavnou obsluhou. Doporučuji navštívit malou knihovnu, která je v nádherném prostoru pod střechou, moderní a slušně vybavená. Je zde prostor pro individuální studium i skupinovou práci.

Přidat recenzi


Na Rybníčku 536, 120 00 Nové Město
Instituto Cervantes Praha