Hostel BBC Praha 2 198 Svatoplukova, Nusle, 128 00 Praha

Hostel BBC Praha

100 Recenze

Hostel BBC Praha 2 198 Svatoplukova, Nusle, 128 00 Praha

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Hostel Hello, Prague, Czech Republic | Book your bed today at the Hostel Hello in Prague at the lowest prices! Instant confirmation, secure card payments, no booking fees.


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2 198 Svatoplukova, Nusle, 128 00 Praha



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Doporučené recenze

Hostel BBC Praha
Room a bit small but service is good. The location is superb, it is 10 minutes by tram from the center!
Hostel BBC Praha
Stayed here for 3 weeks. There was a promotion, so we got it for a 15 euros per night.Our room was the closest to the trains. It didn't really bother me, cause I sleep deeply, but agre that it's very loud. Personl is welcome. They have a kitchen, the cleaning ladies do their job very well, clean it almost every day (but if you will be unlucky with other guests, well...). Every week changed the bed, comparing to another hotel (not a hostel, but pretty expensive hotel), it's a plus. There is a billiard, some games.35 mins by walk, or 10-15 by tram to the center. Vyshgrad is nearby though, and it worth a visit.I'd say, for 15-20 euros per night for 2 person, that's a very nice stay!
Dana Elisa Camino
Hostel BBC Praha
We are very disappointed, from the beginning. We arrived at night and we realised that the room was facing the train station (as most of the rooms) so it was very noisy. There are also some construction works near the hostel and was very noisy too, both from early in the morning everyday. The pillows were expired and very uncomfortable, we sent an email and the answer was not professional at all, saying that we booked a cheap room and they “can’t do anything now”, that it was a hostel, when on my previous email I mentioned that we always travel to hostels so we are used to this kind of accommodation, but we expected a minimum level of comfort. They delivered 2 pillows which one was good and one was same as we had before.
We never had a similar experience before. In 6 days stay (from Monday night to Saturday) the toilets on our floor were not checked or cleaned even once. There was no toilet paper or hand soap from the 2nd day, we asked at the reception early in the morning and when we were back in the evening there was nothing either. We went downstairs when the reception was closed. There is a note that says that the reception time is 10 till afternoon but we found it closed many times. Hand soap remained empty for the whole stay, they delivered toilet paper days later.
During the stay the personal from the hostel just went to our floor to do the vacant rooms, but never the toilets. We asked personally to the members of staff and they didn’t do neither. Bins were full, showers dirty full of hairs, toilet dirty, floor full of dust, showers were getting blocked with hairs, etc. Toilets on the ground floor were very dirty too.
On check out they were charging us almost double price and I had to show my booking confirmation. Apparently it was a mistake from the staff. This is the only thing that was sorted during the stay.
We are glad Prague is an amazing city so we got to enjoy our Holidays but the stay in the hostel was a very bad experience.
Robert Jan Smeets
Hostel BBC Praha
This a very basic and cheap hotel. The good: cheap, very good wifi, basic but good beds. the bad: crappy shower, no breakfast, far away fro city center and public transport. The ugly: smells of cigarettes and sewer.
Kunzang Yangdzom
Hostel BBC Praha
Хороший хостел. Недорого. Соотношение цена/качество оптимальное. Очень чисто. Удобное расположение - рядом метро и трамвайная остановка (на трамвае 18 легко добраться главным достопримечательностям Праги). А до замка Вышеград 10 мин ходьбы. Рядом много баров, супермакет Lidl, красивый парк. В хостеле есть кухня на которой можно готовить, стиральная машина, утюг, фен. Хостель расположен возле железной дороги по которой поезда ездят часто, но спать онине мешают
Florian VAN CAM
Hostel BBC Praha
Very nice accomodation with few rooms only (not massive hostel with lot of people coming through). Rooms are clean, modern and have private shower. Quality-price ratio is great. I recommend this place.
Huy Tran
Hostel BBC Praha
Building is next to train railway. Water for shower most of the time too hot or too cold, sewage in the bathroom is stucked. Reception is not always there. Pillows is hollow inside, almost not stuffed
Márk Sőregi
Hostel BBC Praha
It's a hostel. Good value for price but not very clean, not very well built and some rooms are next to a train station. You get complementary ear plugs because of the station and billiard is free when you stay there. No places nearby, have to travel a bit for landmarks or activities. Good for a short cheap trip to Prague.
Maryna Arslanova
Hostel BBC Praha
Хостел полностью соответствует своему описанию (на букинге). Кроме знания персоналом русского языка. Нас встречал молодой парень и русского не знал, только чешский и английский. Поэтому, если это для кого-то проблема, то... Находится практически на трамвайной остановки, что очень удобно. А вот к метро очень неудобно идти- очень сильно в горку с кучей ступенек, поэтому если с чемоданом - дорога до метро сильно напрягает. Недостаток - плохая уборка общих зон ( общие комнаты и душевые). В комнатах не убирают все дни Вашего пребывания (мы были 5 ночей).

Přidat recenzi


2 198 Svatoplukova, Nusle, 128 00 Praha
Hostel BBC Praha