Maria Hrican

Maria Hrican

17 Recenze

Maria Hrican

O podniku

Maria Hrican | Mortgage advisor for foreigners in the Czech Republic. 7 years of experience in the largest banks. 13 years in finance. Personal attitude. Great mortgage conditions.


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Doporučené recenze

sm piton
Maria Hrican
I wanted to send a quick note to express my heartfelt gratitude for Maria's exceptional assistance throughout the mortgage process. Her expertise and support made a significant difference, and I am truly thankful for her dedication and professionalism.
Inna Bilovodska
Maria Hrican
Děkuji paní Hrican za zřízení hypotečního úvěru a veškerou pomoc týkající vyřízení. Profesionální přístup, rychle reagování na telefon a e-mail bylo pro nás velmi důležité.V našem případě nebylo to jednoduché - banka chtěla spoustu dokladů. Mohu jen doporučit!
Серега Коваленко
Maria Hrican
Мария професионал своего дела ! Полное сопровождение от первого звонка до получение ключей ! Рекомендую всем ))
Kateryna R
Maria Hrican
Мария, спасибо большое за Вашу помощь.Для иностранцев в Чехии это большая находка, найти консультанта и помощника в финансовых вопросах, говорящего на понятном языке.Даже не ожидала, что пройдет все оформление так быстро и спокойно, если честно не поняла как все произошло.Мария отвечала на все мои вопросы , контактировала с банком, риелтором и мной в самые короткие сроки.Спасибо вам за вашу помощь.
Roman Mushurui
Maria Hrican
I just wanted to know for what conditions I can get a mortgage. I was not even going to take it. So happened, a suitable apartment was found along with the approval of my mortgage. All this happened in just a couple of weeks. Thanks to Maria for her scrupulousness and full support for us, from the mortgage terms to the purchase of an apartment.
Desired Name
Maria Hrican
Maria je skvělá poradkyně. Pomohla nám získat hypotéku a dala nám kontakty na skvělé realitní makléře. Pomáhala a stále pomáhá na každém kroku. Doporučuji ji.
Dima L
Maria Hrican
We would like to thank Maria Hrican for obtaining us a mortgage loan in Prague.It was a swift and hassle-free process that didn't require from us anything than just filling a couple of documents (full guidance was provided by Maria) and answering simple questions.In less than a month from the beginning of the process we already signed the agreement with the bank's representative.We would definitely recommend Maria as a professional that will negotiate the best mortgage rate for you and help to obtain the loan as quickly as it can be!
Камилла Киреева
Maria Hrican
We contacted Maria on the issue of obtaining a mortgage on real estate. We were pleasantly surprised by the speed and ease of resolving the issue (at least from our point of view as customers:). Maria is a true professional, she will arrange everything quickly and competently, without any obstacles or delays, she is always in touch and very competent. We heartily recommend her services!Обратились к Марии по вопросу получения ипотеки на недвижимость. Были приятно удивлены скоростью и легкостью решения вопроса (по крайней мере, с нашей точки зрения как клиентов:). Мария настоящий профессионал, оформит все быстро и грамотно, без каких-либо помех и проволочек, всегда на связи и очень компетентна. Смело её рекомендуем!

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Maria Hrican