Café by Tretter's Plzeňská 8, 150 00 Praha 5-Anděl

Café by Tretter's

28 Recenze

Café by Tretter's Plzeňská 8, 150 00 Praha 5-Anděl

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Plzeňská 8, 150 00 Praha 5-Anděl



  • Kreditní karty
  • Toaleta
  • Jídlo s sebou
  • Jídlo na místě
  • Káva
  • Neformální
  • Alkohol
  • Tvrdý alkohol
  • Víno
  • Zákusky
  • Bar na místě
  • Útulné
  • Koktejly
  • Snídaně

Doporučené recenze

Windicus Viridis
Café by Tretter's
Banana milkshake tasted like milky water, banana taste was nonexistent, strawberry/cherry syrup was everywhere (so no matter how you drink it it will be sticky), covered in dry flowers and cheap whipped cream. Not worth the price, in my opinion.I had a bad reaction to the milkshake or perhaps plants in it, and kept coughing. No list of allergens, but they do serve baklava (I am allergic to pistachios.)The place was cute, but sugar out in the open, no cover - quite unhygienic.Server polite.Tl;dr: fancy, but poor quality.
Alina Iskhakova
Café by Tretter's
Very nice place. Prices are average
Tahra Abdelghani
Café by Tretter's
Friendly and excellent services also served illy coffee
Café by Tretter's
Это кафе находится на третьем этаже в торговом центре Novy Smychov, напротив магазина Luxor. Шикарный интерьер, изысканно и со вкусом. Превосходные десерты. Пробовали торт Сникерс - просто очень вкусный, лёгкий и тонкий вкус. Приятное обслуживание. Очень рекомендую тем, кто любит окружать себя прекрасным и лучшим.
Café by Tretter's
I think this place is super waiters are good everything is cool here I like to go here quite often
Anna Kam
Café by Tretter's
Za mě spokojenost, Jasmine ice tea a croissanty s náplní jsou skvělé. Paní která nás obsluhovala byla také moc milá a trpělivá. Určitě se vrátíme.
Sapan G
Café by Tretter's
Cafe by Tretters in Novy Smichov Prague is a great spot to grab a coffee or tea in the heart of the city. The location is excellent, with easy access to public transportation and plenty of shopping and dining options nearby. The flat white coffee is particularly noteworthy, with a rich, creamy texture and a well-balanced flavor.The tea selection is also quite good, with a variety of high-quality loose-leaf options available. However, the quantity of both the coffee and tea servings was somewhat less than expected, which may be a consideration for those looking for a more substantial beverage.The grapefruit juice is a standout, with a refreshing and zesty taste that is perfect for warm weather. However, it's worth noting that prices at Cafe by Tretters are slightly expensive, so budget-conscious visitors may need to keep that in mind.The ambience of the cafe is pleasant and relaxing, with comfortable seating and a welcoming atmosphere. Additionally, the servers are friendly and accommodating, with excellent English skills that make ordering a breeze. Overall, Cafe by Tretters is a great choice for coffee and tea lovers looking for a convenient and enjoyable experience in Prague
Makatu zakatu
Café by Tretter's
Myslím, že tato kavárna od fy Tretter, nebyl dobrý tah. Rádoby francouzská kavárna ve food patře, naproti Mekáči? Sice měli denní tisk jako v klasické kavárně, ale ceny za unavené dorty byly nehorázné. Něco vypovídá, že v patře plném lidí, zde seděl jeden host.
Alex Spilka
Café by Tretter's
Good old songs and desserts with the just the right amount of sweetness, and the staff where one glance at them makes them come to make sure everything is alright.
Ekaterina Medintseva
Café by Tretter's
Очень милое по интерьеру заведение. Внутри очень симпатично, тортики на вид очень красивые, но на вкус самые обычные. Ничего интересного, чтобы я захотела вернуться. Кофе Illy, не самый вкусный, есть заведения, где его лучше готовят. Обслуживание на уровне. Очень ответственно подошли к интерьеру, было приятно там посидеть

Přidat recenzi


Plzeňská 8, 150 00 Praha 5-Anděl
Café by Tretter's