Zřícenina hradu Perštejn Rájovská, 431 63 Perštejn

Zřícenina hradu Perštejn

258 Recenze

Zřícenina hradu Perštejn Rájovská, 431 63 Perštejn

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Rájovská, 431 63 Perštejn



  • Bezbariérové parkování
  • Bezbariérový vstup
  • Vhodné pro děti

Doporučené recenze

Karel Čtvrtý
Zřícenina hradu Perštejn
Ruiny hradu, který dobyl a pobořil král Jiří z Poděbrad. Některé obvodové zdi jsou ale velmi zachovalé. Svého času to musela být obrovská a strategická pevnost. Najít správnou cestu k místu bylo složité a pro spoustu lidí špatně dostupný terén.
Jakub Pavec
Zřícenina hradu Perštejn
Krásné místo v krásné lokalitě nedaleko Ohře. Trochu strmý výšlap po pěšině, ale vládnou ho i méně zdatní jedinci.
Martina Legler
Zřícenina hradu Perštejn
It's worth the trouble climbing up the hill, finding your way through the woods... still a lot of ruin left over and a lot to see.
Ren Bon
Zřícenina hradu Perštejn
Stanislav Fosenbauer
Zřícenina hradu Perštejn
This place has one of the best beers in Czech republic.
Lukáš Maxmilián Stružka
Zřícenina hradu Perštejn
Cca 20 min trval výšlap. Trosky hradu jsou v lese, takže žádný výhled
Tony Mesman
Zřícenina hradu Perštejn
Perstejn is an old village that has been around since mid 1150 ! It's easy to miss as when coming off the main highway and before crossing the bridge either way vehicles are travelling quite fast and it's not that well sign posted. But there are some nice restaurants that serve good traditional Czech food, namely goulash and cold beer with menus that are also written in german to cater for the German tourists that come across the boarder, but not in English. But most of the staff are able to speak it, so if you can't read the menus they'll guide you through it. There is the ruins of an old castle that has been there for centuries that not many people know about and the track to walk up there is hidden so you may need to ask where it begins from one of the locals or one of the staff from the Pivovar. It just in behind the Pivovar that has the tall chimney stack that is a good landmark to look out for. The track is quite steep in places so some good foot wear is recommended and the climb takes you about 20 minutes. It is in my opinion worth the climb as I love looking around these historic ruins. There is still quite a large section of the main turret still standing along with the walls and archways with some information signs on the trees. Perstejn is a sleepy hollow set into two narrow valleys that is covered in pine and birch trees with many trails for either a leisurely stroll or great if you have a mountain bike. The locals are friendly but tend to keep to themselves as they do in these sorts of places. Worth stopping by and having a look! There are actually ruins of an least two more castles that are all visible off the main highway as you drive into klasterec that are also worth visiting but you need to be reasonably fit for. And don't forget to take a walk through the beautiful gardens down by the river in klasterec itself. Also with another stop! But that's another review!
Tomáš Mittelbach
Zřícenina hradu Perštejn
Erik Oehmichen
Zřícenina hradu Perštejn
Hidden gem. Quite steep ascent

Přidat recenzi


Rájovská, 431 63 Perštejn
Zřícenina hradu Perštejn